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"Black of Heart" Variant Covers & Interview!

What an exciting month! Thank you for being a part of this adventure right alongside me. This year has been a roller coaster, to say the least and it's not over yet.

There has been one Premium Variant Cover for Black of Heart #1 announced, (so far), and the big reveal will be tomorrow, Friday, Sept 25th @ and their associated social media locations (bookface / grinstagam / twatter)!! Excitement! Just like I promised!

❤ Here's your sneak peek ❤


There is now officially LESS THAN A WEEK to Pre-Order Black of Heart #1 AND Horror Double Feature 2 - so contact your Local Comic Shop ASAFP!!

The books are available for pre-order online as well at THIS LINK HERE, so anyone who is playing it Covid-Safe can still get their copy and make sure they DON'T MISS OUT!!

NOW - as you may recall from my last bloggy thing, I posted a 9/10 Review for Black of Heart #1 and this week I have my interview with Sheena McNeil at Sequential Tart to share with you!

CHECK OUT THE INTERVIEW HERE! <-- click this part.

I assume you read it all and came right back to this directly. I think I did an ok job and I tried really hard not to ramble. (wink - tooth sparkle - ding sound)

If you liked all that news, then it should come as no surprise that Pre-Orders for Black of Heart #2 are right around the corner!!

I'll have more news coming on that front soon!

Once again, just a HUGE THANKS to everyone who has helped to support our work and spread the word. It's a difficult time and it's hard to preach "buy comics" when things are so tough. I wanted you to know how much it means to me. If anything, we can all use an escape and I'd be proud to help you in that capacity. ❤

Site Update - there were some changes to the blog, so if it looks odd, it's because I haven't had time to dig into the formatting yet.

That's all for now - Reserve your copy of Black of Heart and Horror Double Feature today!



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