Black of Heart / The Dolls RE-RELEASE!
Happy September! Fall is the perfect time for horror and spooky things and I have BIG NEWS!!
The fabulous folks at Source Point Press are just as excited as I am to get two of my favorite stories out to a whole new audience!
AND - I tell you how to order them BELOW!
I love the idea of a new audience getting a chance to check this series out - especially with a sequel in the works! The brooding detective versus the homicidal maniac in a time and place well before forensics and DNA technology existed. The history! The mob! There's a lot to love here and David Hollenbach's artwork gives the story a vivid, cinematic feel that pulls you into the horror!
BLACK OF HEART got some love on Bleeding Cool recently as well!
Despite a number of great books being solicited for November by Source Point, Bleeding Cool gave Black of Heart #1 the cover and headline of their article. Every little bit helps! Check the link HERE!
One of those great books coming out from SPP in November alongside Black of Heart is my horror short - THE DOLLS! It's one of two stories in their "HORROR DOUBLE FEATURE" series! Very cool and exciting! I think it's the perfect vehicle for this one.
It feels great to give some extra love and life to an indie book that had a very limited release. Especially with a story that I'm proud of and the amazing artwork of Ryan Quackenbush that has to be seen to be believed!
CALL or GO to your Local Comic Shop and say "HI, I LOVE YOU." No wait, that comes later. Say - Hi, I'd like to order two books and here are the PREVIEWS CODES for said books!
SEP201432 (Black of Heart)
SEP201435 (Horror Double Feature 2)
Simple, right? Now if you're the type of person who needs a little backstory on what any of this means, I"ll break it down for you really quick. PREVIEWS is a catalog that EVERY comic shop orders from. Like the SEARS catalog when I was little and my parents didn't know what to get me. They'd throw that on my lap and soon they had a three page list of toys in order of importance. Same principle here, only for comics. I put the direct links below so you can check them out for yourself, share them, etc.
As always, you can help spread the word by sending this info out, sharing it with friends and getting others to sign up for the blog/newsletter as well. (It's really, sincerely and totally appreciated!) ❤
More news will be here before you know it - it's going to be a VERY busy couple of months! PLACE THOSE ORDERS WITH YOUR LOCAL COMIC SHOPS ASAP!!
Thanks for reading!