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Quarantine News

Hey, it's Captain Isolation here with multiple newses for you!

First off, I hope everyone is staying safe and smart. Smart means staying away from people. People means non-internet, real life humanoid types. I'm on day 14 of my quarantine and figured it was time to reach out with some updates.

Obviously my Spring Conventions (which I never bothered to announce on account of laziness) are cancelled. So that thing I never told you about? It's not happening anyway.

The KICKSTARTER that I was promoting last Fall failed sadly, but it is ON AGAIN!

It's called "Eight Gunshots - Stories of the Wild West" and we're about half way to our goal with 16 days left!! It's a 64-page prose anthology with some amazing accompanying artwork inside. I personally love my story and I'm super proud of it.

It's cheap cheap cheap so please help if you can by clicking the link HERE and grab a copy. Obviously times are tough, so only do it if you can! Thanks ❤😊

The comics industry is in kind of a messy state right now and let's face it - most industries are. Having said that, David and I are working on "WHITE OF LIES", the follow up to "BLACK OF HEART" (available now at the store - *wink*) and it's really shaping up nicely. I hope to have some more news very soon and artwork to show off.

This book WILL GET MADE. It's just taking slightly longer than I'd hoped. If we're learning anything right now, it's probably patience and gratitude.

In the meantime, you can help out by forwarding this to others who may like my work and have some extra downtime on their hands for a good story to read! All of the beautiful Black of Heart hardbacks are sealed so no Covid gets on your book or in your face.

Anyway - I'm still alive (mostly) and thumping away at the old keyboard, doing what I can to stay sane. Take care of yourselves and each other, stay away from crowds and the elderly and definitely keep reading. ❤


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