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C2E2 and Binary Gray #1!!

Just a quick update - I wanted to announce that I'll be at C2E2 this weekend with print versions of THE DOLLS! Come pick one up - they're dumb dirt cheap and you will love to have it in your hands, followed shortly by your eyes and brains!

Outside of Chicago news, there was an awesome reveal this week from Alterna Comics - the official cover of Binary Gray #1! Of course, I've seen the cover artwork, (and shared it here when it was announced last year), but it was exciting to see the final mock-up with the new logo by the amazing Brian Level and the names of all of the contributors, etc.

So have a look! Eyes and brains - again!

It's got a really nice 80's vibe that's right up my alley. That's it for now! I'll have more news soon on how you can get your very own copy of Binary Gray #1 and have your local comic shop add it to your pull list!

AND - don't forget to follow me @charltonsect and @binarygraycomic on the TWITTERS!

Hope to see you all at C2E2 this weekend and as always - Thanks for Reading!


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